16th September 2003

Mercia Charters Limited
The Eye of the Beholder (Day 2 of 4)

A four-day railtour round the north-east of Hungary.

Locos Used M40 006, M44 211, M44 415, Mk48 2009, M62 273 & M62 505
Stock Used
(main tour)
80 55 117 9003-5 (Da6404) + 30 55 117 9006-8 (ABa2305) + Aa1078 (no UIC no. carried)
Stock Used
(broad gauge)
80 55 117 1077-4 (identified inside as 99-10 315)
Stock Used
(narrow gauge)
Bax350 + Bax352 (Bax352 only for run to depot and back)

Train Reporting Codes:
13632 :
Debrecen - Záhony
64841 : Záhony - Komoró
13625 : Komoró - Debrecen
1326 : Debrecen Fatalep - Hármas Hegyalja
1321 : Hármas Hegyalja - Debrecen Fatalep
6875 : Debrecen Szabadag - Debrecen

Loco Route
M40 006 Debrecen - Apafa - Nyíradony - Nyírbogát mrh. - Nyírbátor - Hodász - Mátészalka
M40 006 Mátészalka - Nagydobos mrh. - Vásárosnamény - Tornyospálca - Záhony
M62 505 (1) set back [loco propelling] in Záhony depot (1)
M62 505 (1) Záhony depot - Eperjeske Rendezö - end of yard (1)
M62 505 (1) end of yard - Eperjeske Rendezö (1)
M62 505 (1) forward from one road, propel back into another at Eperjeske Rendezö (1)
M62 505 Eperjeske Rendezö - Komoró yard (1)
M62 273 Komoró - Kisvárda - Demecser - Sóstóhegyi elágázás - Északi kitérö - Görögszállás
M44 211 Görögszállás - Tiszalök
M44 211 Tiszalök - Tiszavasvári - Hajdúböszörmény - Nyulas ipv. kiág. - Biogal (2)
Mk48 2009 Debrecen Fatalep - Hármas Hegyalja
Mk48 2009 (3) Hármas Hegyalja - headshunt
Mk48 2009 headshunt - Hármas Hegyalja - Debrecen Fatalep
Mk48 2009 shunt round Debrecen Fatalep station (4)
Mk48 2009 Debrecen Fatalep - depot
Mk48 2009 (3) depot - Debrecen Fatalep
M44 415 Debrecen Szabadag - Debrecen

Notes :
(1) Broad gauge (1520mm).
(2) For bus to narrow gauge railway.
(3) Mk48 2009 propelling.
(4) Optional depot visit, not made by all tour participants. Train ran from the station platform out to clear points at the
Hármas Hegyalja end of station, back through run-round loop to clear points at the depot end of the station then drop back into the platform. Empty coach Bax350 was then uncoupled and the move to the depot and back was made in coach Bax352 only.

Source : Gary Thornton (on the train throughout)

Timings (Booked & Actual)
(from Gary Thornton)

Location Booked Actual
0.0 Debrecen 06.30d 06.31
7.8 Apafa 06*38a ~ 06*41d 06/41
9.5 Hadjúsámson 06/52 06.50a ~ 06.53d
9.4 Aradvánpuszta mrh. 07/03 07/02
6.1 Nyíradony 07/10 07.07a ~ 07.09d
8.9 Nyírgelse 07/20 07/24
8.0 Nyírbogát mrh. 07/30 07/32
3.6 451/452 szelv. ipvk. 07/34 ??/??
5.2 Nyírbátor 07*41a ~ 07*48d 07.40 ~ 07.48
4.5 Nyírcsászári mrh. 07/52 ??/??
4.7 Hodász 07/57 07/56
9.1 561/562 szelv. ipvk. 08/07 ??/??
1.0 Mátészalka 08rL09a ~ 08rL39d 08.11 ~ 08.40
11.8 Nagydobos mrh. 08/53 08/53
8.5 Vásárosnamény 09/02 09/05
6.0 Gyüre mrh. 09/09 09/12
4.8 Aranyospáti mrh. 09/15 09/18
7.3 Tornyospálca 09/23 09/29
7.1 Mándok 08/31 08/36
6.0 Fehérolaj átfejtö ipvk. 09/38 ??/??
4.1 Záhony 09.50a ??.??
0.0 Záhony depot (11.00d) 11.03
(10.8) Eperjeske Rendezö (11.30a) 11.48a ~ 11.51d
(0.7) Eperjeske Rendezö (end of yard) no timings provided 11.55a ~ 12.18d
(0.7) Eperjeske Rendezö (12.00d) 12.23a ~ 12.38d
(9.8) Komoró (12.30a) ~ 12.55d 13.06 ~ 13.12
4.3 Fényeslitke 12/59 13/16
3.4 Fényeslitke-É. r. elág. 13/03 ??/??
1.1 Kisvárda-Hármasút mh. 13/04 13/19
2.5 Kisvárda 13/07 13/21
8.2 Pátroha 13/14 13/26
7.4 Demecser 13/21 13/31
6.3 Nyírbogdány 13/27 13/35
4.4 Kemecse 13/31 13/38
7.5 Sóstóhegy 13/38 (13/45)
6.3 Sóstóhegyi elágazás 13/51 13/54
2.5 Északi kitérö 13/54 (13/56)
6.1 Nyírtelek 13/59 14/00
6.2 Görögszállás 14L04a ~ 14L19d 14.06 ~ 14.20
10.4 Kisfástanya mrh. 14/30 ??/??
8.0 Tiszalök 14r38a ~ 15r20d 14.40 ~ 15.22
8.2 Tiszavasvári 15*29a ~ 15*53d 15.32 ~ 15.57
14.0 Hajdúnánás 16/07 16/11
5.8 Hajdúdorog 16*13a ~ 16*18d ??/??
15.6 Hajdúböszörmény 16/34 16.36a ~ 16.38d
7.1 Zelemér mh. ipvk. 16p42a ~ 16p47d 16.46 ~ 16.53
2.0 Hajdúszentgyörgy mh. ipvk. 16/50 ??/??
2.2 Józsa ipvk. 16/53 ??/??
2.2 Nyulas ipv. kiág. 16.56a ~ (17.00d) 17.00a ~ 17.10d
?.? Biogal (17.20a) ~ ??.??d ??.??a ~ ??.??d

Timings from here are for the ECS movement

?.? Nyulas ipv. kiág. (ECS) 18.10d ?
4.8 Tócóvölgy 18/15 ?
5.3 Debrecen 18.21a ?

Timings from here are for the narrow-gauge railway

?.? Debrecen-Fatalep no timings provided 18.21d
?.? Hármas-Hegyalja no timings provided 19.14a ~ 19.30d
?.? headshunt no timings provided 19.32a ~ 19.33d
?.? Hármas-Hegyalja no timings provided 19.34a ~ 19.35d
?.? Debrecen-Fatalep no timings provided 20.21a ~ 21.20d
?.? Debrecen depot no timings provided 21.36a ~ 21.44d
?.? Debrecen-Fatalep no timings provided 21.48a

Timings from here are for the MÁV train back to the main station

0.0 Debrecen Szabadog no timings provided 22.16d
(3.0) Debrecen no timings provided 22.23a

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