19th October 2008

Pathfinder Tours
Gent Tram Tour Vol.1

Tram Used PCC 01 (full De Lijn current fleet number 6201)


(cab leading)
01 (01-A) Gent Sint Pieters (Tram Tunnel) - Athenium - Maaltebruggestraat - (1) - Flanders Expo - Maaltebruggestraat - Athenium - Sint Denijslaan (2)
01 (01-B) Sint Denijslaan - Gent Sint Pieters (Tram Tunnel) - Veergreb - Savaanstraat - Korte Meer - Koren Markt - Gravensteen - Burgstraat - Rabot - Rabot headshunt
01 (01-A) Rabot headshunt - Rabot - Opgeeistenstraat - Mudiebrug - (3) - Sint Salvatorstraat - Hellig Kerst - Langesteenstraat - Gravensteen - Koren Markt - Belfort - Zuid - Vijfwindgatenstraat - Sint Lievensdoorgang - Botermarkt - Moscou
01 (01-B) Moscou - Botermarkt - Sint Lievensdoorgang - Vijfwindgatenstraat - Zuid
01 (01-A) Zuid - Vijfwindgatenstraat - Clarissenstraat - Stelplaats - Arsenaal - Leeuw
01 (01-B) Leeuw - Arsenaal - Stelplaats - De Lijn tram/bus depot points
01 (01-A) De Lijn tram/bus depot entrance points - De Lijn tram/bus depot (4)
01 (01-B) De Lijn tram/bus depot - De Lijn tram/bus depot entrance points - Clarissenstraat - Zuid - Vogelmarkt - Zonnestraat - Rozenmarijnbrug - Bijlokehof - Meersstraat - Gent Sint Pieters (Tram Tunnel)

(1) Via
Flanders Expo loop line, to allow service tram to pass.
(2) To just beyond points no.144 - on the now disused line 21/22 to the south of Gent Sint Pieters station (line has been rerouted to the other side of station).
(3) Via side spur prior to
Sint Salvatorstraat, to allow service tram to pass.
(4) To track leading to shed roads 5-8, stopped just short of points no.39. For depot visit (tram/bus depot and also trolley-bus depot on opposite side of road).

Source : Gary Thornton (on the tour throughout)

Photo Review
(all photos: Gary Thornton)

01 waits in the loop at Flanders Expo whilst a service tram passes.

In the Rabot headshunt, whilst transferring between lines 1 & 4.

Moscou - another reversal as this is the end of this line.

Waiting to depart from the De Lijn tram/bus depot.

Timings (Actual Only)
(from Gary Thornton)

Location (Booked) Actual
Gent Sint Pieters (08.45d) 08.45 [Tram Tunnel] [line 1]
Flanders Expo Loop Line 08p55a ~ 09p02d [Loop Line]
Flanders Expo 09.02½a ~ 09.10d
Athenium ??/?? [line 1 - disused line 21/22]
Sint Denijslaan (points 144) 09.18a ~ 09.24d [disused line 21/22 - line 1]
Gent Sint Pieters 09/25 [Tram Tunnel]
Korte Meer 09/31
Koren Markt 09/32½
Gravensteen 09/34
Burgstraat 09/35
Rabot 09/37 [line 1 - line 4]
Rabot headshunt 09p38a ~ 09p43½d [line 4]
Rabot 09.45 ~ 09.45½
Mudiebrug 09.51½ ~ 09.52 [side spur]
side spur 09p52½ ~ 09p55d
Sint Salvatorstraat 09.56 ~ 09.56½
Langesteenstraat 10/00
Gravensteen 10/01
Koren Markt 10/02½
Duivelsteen 10/04
Lippensplein 10/04½
Zuid 10/05 [P2] [line 4 - line 21/22]
Vijfwindgatenstraat 10/06½
Sint Lievenspoort 10.08 ~ 10.08½
Moscou 10p13a ~ 10p27½d [Straatkant platform]
Ledebergplein 10/31
Zuid 10.34½ ~ 10.35 [P1]
Keizerpoort 10/37
Stelplaats 10/40 [line 21/22 - line 21]
Leeuw 10p44a ~ 10p48½d
Stelplaats [line 21 - line 21/22] 10/51
De Lijn tram/bus depot entrance points 10.52 ~ 10.52½
De Lijn tram/bus depot [points 39] 10p53a ~ 11p54d [from nearer depot entrance]
Keizerpoort 11/57
Zuid 11/59 [P1]
Lippensplein 11/59½
Vogelmarkt 12/01
Rozemarijnbrug 12/04½
Bijlokehof 12/07
Meersstraat 12/08
Gent Sint Pieters 12.09½a [Tram Tunnel]

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