28th October 2017

Pathfinder Tours
The Fiddlers Five

Locos Used 56105 & 66183
Stock Used 4998+4959+4946+4927+1671+1657+3121+3119+3097+3098+6310

Route :
1Z25 : Westbury to Ravenhead Sidings
1Z26 : Ravenhead Sidings to Latchford Sidings
1Z27 : Latchford Sidings to Westbury

Loco(s) Route
66183 Westbury - Trowbridge - Bathampton Jn - Bath Spa - North Somerset Jn - Dr Day's Jn - Filton Abbey Wood - Bristol Parkway - Westerleigh Jn - Yate - Standish Jn - Gloucester Yard Jn - Barnwood Jn - Cheltenham Spa - Abbotswood Jn - Stoke Works Jn - Bromsgrove - Barnt Green - Kings Norton - Lifford East Jn - Bordesley Jn - St Andrews Jn - Proof House Jn - Birmingham New Street - Soho South Jn - Soho East Jn - Perry Barr West Jn - Perry Barr [DGL] - Bescot Stadium - Darlaston Jn - Portobello Jn - Bushbury Jn - Stafford
66183 (1) Stafford - Searchlight Lane Jn - Madeley - Basford Hall Jn - Crewe Basford Hall S.S.N. - Salop Goods Jn - Crewe Coal Yard - Winsford - Acton Bridge - Weaver Jn - Acton Grange Jn - Warrington Bank Quay - Winwick Jn - Earlestown - Newton-le-Willows - Golborne Jn - Bamfurlong Jn - Ince Moss Jn - St Helens Central - Ravenhead [Down Goods Loop]
56105 (2) Ravenhead [Down Goods Loop] - Ravenhead [North Siding]
66183 (1) Ravenhead [North Siding] - Ravenhead [Down Goods Loop] - Huyton - Bootle Branch Jn - Tuebrook Sidings [No.4]
56105 (2) Tuebrook Sidings [No.4] - Bootle Branch Jn - Huyton - Rainhill - St Helens Junction - Earlestown - Winwick Jn - Warrington Royal Mail Terminal - Warrington Bank Quay - Arpley [Up Through Siding] - Walton Old Jn - Canal Sidings [No.1]
66183 (1) Canal Sidings [No.1] - Walton Old Jn - Arpley Jn - Up Latchford Siding
56105 (2) Up Latchford Siding - Arpley Jn - Fiddlers Ferry Power Station [Track A-B] - Arpley Jn - Latchford [Football Field Sidings]
66183 Latchford [Football Field Sidings] - Arpley Jn - Walton Old Jn - Acton Grange Jn - Weaver Jn - Acton Bridge - Winsford - Crewe Coal Yard - Salop Goods Jn - Crewe Basford Hall S.S.N. - Basford Hall Jn - Madeley - Norton Bridge - Stafford - Bushbury Jn - Portobello Jn - Darlaston Jn - Bescot Stadium - Perry Barr North Jn - Perry Barr West Jn - Soho East Jn - Soho South Jn - Birmingham New Street - Proof House Jn - St Andrews Jn - Bordesley Jn - Lifford East Jn - Kings Norton - Barnt Green - Bromsgrove - Stoke Works Jn - Droitwich Spa - Worcester Shrub Hill - Norton Jn - Abbotswood Jn - (reverse of outward route) - Westbury

Notes :
(1) 56105 on rear.
(2) 66183 on rear.

56105 on the rear of the tour at Stafford (photo: Paul Warburton)

Source : Paul Warburton (joined the outward leg at Cheltenham Spa, returned to Birmingham New Street) & Alan Sheppard (on the tour from/to Stafford)

Timings (Booked & Actual)
(from Alan Sheppard & Realtime Trains)

M.C Location Booked Actual   Booked Actual M.C
0.00 Westbury 05.58d [P3] 05.58   23.18a [P1] 23.16 200.54
? Trowbridge 06/05 [P1] 06/04   23/12½ [P2] 23/11 ?
? Bradford Jn 06/07 06/06   23/11 23/09 ?
14.36 Bathampton Jn 06/20 06/15   23/00 23/00 186.18
16.62 Bath Spa 06.24a ~ 06.27d [P1] 06.20 ~ 06.26   22.50a ~ 22.54d [P2] 22.48 ~ 22.51 183.72
? North Somerset Jn 06/39 06/39   22/34 22/34 ?
27.64 Dr Day's Jn 06/41 06/40   22/29 22/28 172.70
? Narroways Hill Jn 06/43 06/44   22/26 22/24 ?
31.39 Filton Abbey Wood 06/47 [P2] 06/46   22/22 [P1] 22/21 169.15
32.78 Bristol Parkway 06.50a ~ 06.53d [P3] 06.49 ~ 06.53   22.16a ~ 22.19d [P2] 22.15 ~ 22.19 167.56
37.48 Westerleigh Jn 06/59 06/59   22/09 22/09 163.06
? Yate 07/02 07/01   22/06 22/07 ?
46.02 Charfield 07/08 07/16   22/00 22/01 154.52
59.05 Standish Jn 07/19 07/33   21/49 21/51 141.49
60.54 Haresfield Loop 07*24 ~ 07*31 [UGL] ?   21/48 ? ?
? Gloucester Yard Jn 07/37 07/40   21/44 21/44 ?
66.03 Barnwood Jn 07/39 07/41   21/43 21/42 134.51
71.46 Cheltenham Spa 07.46a ~ 07.50d [P2] 07.47 ~ 07.50 [P2]   21.33a ~ 21.36d [P1] 21.31 ~ 21.36 129.08
78.68 Ashchurch for Tewkesbury 07/59 [P1] 07/58   21/25 [P2] 21/22 121.66
89.44 Abbotswood Jn 08/08 08/06   21/14 21/12 111.10
- Norton Jn - -   21/08 21/10 110.28
- Worcester Shrub Hill - -   21/04 [P2] 21/06 107.12
- Tunnel Jn - -   21/02 21/04 ?
- Droitwich Spa - -   20/53 20/56 101.44
100.61 Stoke Works Jn 08/17 08/15   20/44 20/46 97.29
102.74 Bromsgrove 08.20a ~ 08.26d [P1] 08.19 ~ 08.26 [P1]   20.36a ~ 20.39d [P3] 20.39 ~ 20.41 95.16
106.37 Barnt Green 08/35 [P1] [ML] 08/33   20/30 20/34 91.53
? Longbridge 08/38 [FL] 08/38 [DF]   20/26 20/28 ?
111.45 Kings Norton 08/43 08/43 [DF-UCH]   20/15 20/19 86.45
? Lifford East Jn 08/45 08/44   20/14 20/19 ?
116.60 Bordesley Jn 08/56 08/49   20/08 20/13 81.30
117.06 St Andrews Jn 08/57 08/50   20/07 20/11 81.04
? Proof House Jn 09/01 08/55 [DD]   20/03 20/08 ?
118.57 Birmingham New Street 09.04a ~ 09.17d [P10] 08.58 ~ 09.18 [P10]   19.52a ~ 20.00d [P2] 19.53 ~ 20.04 [P2] 79.33
120.54 Soho South Jn 09/24 09/24   19/47 19/47 77.36
? Soho East Jn 09/26 09/25   19/46 19/43 ?
? Perry Barr West Jn 09/31 09/29   19/38 19/38 ?
123.59 Perry Barr [Down Goods Loop] 09/35 [DGL] [DGL]   - - -
- Perry Barr North Jn - -   19/36 19/37 74.51
127.08 Newton Jn 09/42 ?   19/30½ ? ?
- Bescot Stadium 09/44 ?   19/29 19/30 70.14
127.79 Bescot Jn 09/44 ?   - - -
? Darlaston Jn 09/48 09/41   19/28 19/29 ?
132.13 Portobello Jn 09/52 09/43   19/26 19/26 65.77
134.61 Bushbury Jn 10/01 09/47   19/21 19/22 63.29
? Trent Valley Jn 10/14 10/00   19/08½ 19/09 ?
148.38 Stafford 10L16a ~ 10L38d [P6] [DS] 10.03 ~ 10.38 [P6]   19.05a ~ 19.07d [P4] 19.06½ ~ 19.08 [P4] 49.52
? Little Bridgeford Jn ? 10/44   19/01 19/01 ?
153.50 Searchlight Lane Jn 10/44 [DS] 10/45 [DS]   - - -
- Norton Bridge - -   19/00 [US] 19/00 44.27
164.20 Madeley 10/54 10/53½   18/50 [US] 18/51½ 33.54
170.75 Basford Hall Jn 11/02 [IL] 11/04   18/41 [US] 18/44 [US] 26.79
? Basford Hall S.S.N. 11/07 [IL] 11/10 [DSI]   18/38 18/40 [UI] ?
? Crewe Salop Goods Loop Jn ? 11/11 [DSI]   - - -
? Crewe Salop Goods Jn 11/14 [DLI] 11/12 [DLI]   18/35 18/37 [ULI-USI] ?
173.47 Crewe Coal Yard 11/19 [DS] 11/21 [DS]   18/29 [ULI] 18/32 [ULI] 24.27
180.20 Winsford 11/26 [DF] 11/29½   18/19 18/20 [US] 17.54
185.26 Hartford Jn 11/31 11/32½ [DF]   18/15 18/19 12.48
? Acton Bridge 11/33 11/34 [P3]   18/13 18/14 ?
189.44 Weaver Jn 11/35 11/36   18/11 18/12 8.30
194.75 Acton Grange Jn 11/39 11/40½ [DM]   18/04 [FL] 18.01 ~ 18.04 [UH-UM] 2.75


M.C Location Booked Actual
196.70 Warrington Bank Quay 11.42 ~ 11.44 [P4] 11.44 ~ 11.45½ [P4]
? Dallam Jn 11/46 [DS]
200.28 Winwick Jn 11/51 11/56½
201.62 Earlestown 11/56 [P4] 11/57½ [P4]
202.54 Newton-le-Willows 11/59 12/01 [P1]
203.66 Golborne Jn 12/08 [SL] 12/04½ [DS]
207.39 Bamfurlong Jn 12/13 [GL] 12/12
208.36 Ince Moss Jn 12/16 12/15
215.30 St Helens Central 12/30 [P2] 12/28 [P2]
Ravenhead [Down Goods Loop] 12.35 ~ 12.55 [DGL] 12.31½ ~ 12.35 [DGL]
Ravenhead Sidings 13.00 ~ 14.00 12.43 ~ 13.58 [North line]
0.34 Ravenhead [Down Goods Loop] 14*05 ~ 14*10 [DGL] 14.02 ~ 14.09½ [DGL]
5.24 Huyton 14/21 [P2] [SL] 14/20 [P2]
5.65 Roby 14/23 14/21 [P2]
? Olive Mount Jn 14/26 14/24½
9.01 Bootle Branch Jn 14/29 14/27
Tuebrook Sidings 14.32 ~ 14.50 14.29 ~ 14.49 [Dn Waterloo No.4]
0.08 Bootle Branch Jn 14/52 14/50
? Olive Mount Jn 14/54 14/52
3.24 Roby 14/58 [P4] 14/59 [P4]
3.65 Huyton 15*01 ~ 15*06 [P4] 15.01 ~ 15.06 [P4]
7.02 Rainhill 15/13 15/11½
10.00 St Helens Junction 15/17 [P1] 15/14 [P1]
12.70 Earlestown 15/22 [P3] 15/21 [Dn/Up West Loop] [P3]
14.26 Winwick Jn 15/26 [US] 15.23 ~ 15.27 [UE-US]
16.35 Warrington Royal Mail Terminal 15.32 ~ 15.34 [P1] 15/36 [P2] [Middle Crossover]
? Dallam Jn 15/36 [US] 15/37
17.64 Warrington Bank Quay 15/38 [UGL] [OL] 15/40½ [UGL]
18.20 Arpley Sidings 15/43 [LHS] 15.43½ ~ 15.45  [Arpley Shunt Neck No.3]
18.52 Walton Old Jn 15/46 15/50 [Grid Iron Jn No1-3]
Walton Old Jn M.S.C. Sidings 15.48 ~ 16.03 15.57 ~ 15.59 [MSC Holding Siding No.1]
0.23 Walton Old Jn 16.05 16/03
1.11 Arpley Jn 16/08 16/07
Latchford Sidings 16.10 ~ 16.25 16.11 ~ 16.17 [Up Latchford Sdgs]
0.77 Arpley Jn 16/27 16.22 ~ 16.23½
4.40 Fiddlers Ferry S.B. 16/35 16/35½
6.16 Fiddlers Ferry Power Station 16.40 ~ 17.10 16.51½ ~ 16.52½ [Outer Loop] [Line A-B]
7.00 Fiddlers Ferry S.B. 17/15 17/30
10.43 Arpley Jn 17/23 17/40
Latchford Sidings 17L25 ~ 17L55 17L45 ~ 17L49 [Main Line Sdg, End of Line]
0.77 Arpley Jn 17/57 17/54
1.65 Walton Old Jn 18/01 [OL] 17/57½

Timings continue in first table.

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