3rd November 1984

British Rail
(Merrymaker Excursion)

Loco Used 47453

Route :

Loco Route
47453 (??? -) Leicester - (via MML) - Trent South Jn - Trent East Jn - Beeston - Nottingham
47453 (??? -) Nottingham - Toton - Sheffield - Rotherham Masborough - Cudworth Station Jn - Engine Shed Jn - Whitehall Jn - Settle Jn - (via S&C) - Carlisle - Carstairs South Jn - Carstairs East Jn - Edinburgh Waverley
47453 Edinburgh Waverley - (via ECML) - Doncaster - Rotherham Masborough - Beighton Jn - Trowell Jn - Radford Jn - Nottingham (- ???)
47453 Nottingham - (reverse of outward route) - Leicester (- ???)

Notes :
(1) Was Leicester the start/finish point for this train?

Sources : Mike Parkes (joined/left the train at Nottingham) & Robert Snape (joined/left the train at Leicester)

Timings (Actual Only)
(from Mike Parkes)

Location Booked Actual
Leicester ??.??d ??.??a
Nottingham ??.??a ~ 07.20d 23.18a ~ ??.??d
Edinburgh Waverley 13.52a 18.03d

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