19th May 1990

British Rail
(Mystery Excursion)

Locos Used 47117, 47972 & 86423

Route : 1Z19 throughout

Loco(s) Route
47972 Carlisle - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Hereford - Cardiff Central - Bridgend - Court Sart Jn - Jersey Marine North Jn - Morlais Jn East - Hendy Jn - Pantyffynnon - Llandrindod Wells - Craven Arms - Shrewsbury (2)
47117 (3) Shrewsbury - Crewe
86423 Crewe - Carlisle

Notes :
(1) Ran with a headboard "The Carlisle Crusader".
(2) 47972 ran out of fuel at Shrewsbury.
(3) plus 47972 dead-in-tow.

Sources : Derek Thompson

Photo Review
(from Derek Thompson)

47972 at Llanwrytd Wells.

47117 takes over at Shrewsbury after 47972 ran out of fuel.

Timings (Booked Only)
(from Derek Thompson)

Location Booked Actual
Carlisle ??.??d ??.??a
Cardiff Central ??.??a 12.25d

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