2nd May 1994

? Flying Scotsman Services / Special Trains ?

Locos Used 47484 'Isambard Kingdom Brunel' & steam: 80079 & 80080
Stock Used 35479+35317+4936+4905+4994+4984+4940+4951+4960

Route :

Loco(s) Route
47484 08.50d London Paddington - Exeter St Davids
80079 + 80080 (1) Exeter St Davids - Barnstaple
80079 + 80080 (1) Barnstaple - Exeter St Davids
80079 + 80080 Exeter St Davids - Taunton - London Paddington

Notes :
(1) This tour used the same stock as the previous day's 'Semper Fidelis' - was this tour also operated by FSS/Special Trains? It is suggested that the steam locos worked through to Paddington, but confirmation is required.

Source : Brian Garrett

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