An occasional series of photos that deserve some additional commentary...feel free to send in your thoughts...
The above from LASERman, who offers:
“I don’t know how I’m going to cope with
the smoking ban in July, I’m on 37 a day!”
"I want to be an ALCo when I grow up"
From Martin Thorn:
The second man had still not mastered his duties after transferring from
steam locos.
From Justin Edwards:
Despite heavy bombing the
PLEG charter ran successfully.
Photographed during a photo-stop on a railtour in
From Miggy:
"Don't worry it's only muppet talking bull as usual"
From Steve Cassidy & Lisa:
The phot stop came to an abrupt and unexpected end when the cow 'gave it
some thrash'......
The cow realised it was in trouble when it heard a voice from behind......'Number 2642?? Dreadful - required for haulage!!'
Cow: '...and they have the gall to call ME mad!!!!!'
Cow: 'Blimey, wait for ages for a basher, and then 30 come along at once!!'
"Is that the best they can pull?!"
From Martin Thorn:
I don't remember yellow locos on the Cowes
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