Diesel Galas and Other Happenings
Belgian Bits
5th - 9th September 2001 : "Not
The Savage Curtain"
My first "full" B-Tourrail of 2001!!
1st - 3rd September 2000 : B-Tourrail
- Part 1
First episode of a two-part railrover!
3rd - 7th August 2000 : Three Go
To The Sea
More travels in Belgium, by Simon Bennett.
24th May - 28th May 2000 : Fat
Bloke does 5 days in Belgium and lives to tell the tale, or thoughts on what was
and what might have been.
Another perspective of travels in Belgium, by Simon Bennett.
25th May - 29th May 2000 :
Belgium....yet again....
A B-Tourrail ticket and two railtours!
29th April - 3rd May 2000 :
More desperate bashing moves!
16th-20th February 2000 : Bashers
More Belgian travels
1st October 1999 : TTB Day...and
Another foreign outing.
13th-17th August 1999 :
"Spin & Win" - Belgian Style
A review of 5 days touring Belgium in search of track and locos.
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