The Railtour Files - 1989

Date Railtour Operator Tour name Timings
30/12/89 - 01/01/1990 VLV (78) VLV-Silvester-Express -
30/12/89 PT Thames Haven Refiner Yes
30/12/89 NSE (BR) Weymouth Quay Tramway Commemoration Yes
30/12/89 FSS Thames-Avon -
29/12/89 HRT The Decennial Swansong Yes
17/12/89 SRPS ??? -
16/12/89 SRPS ??? -
16/12/89 HRT White Rose Pullman Yes
10/12/89 NSE (BR) Windsor & Eaton Gala Day -
10/12/89 IME South Midlands Railtour Yes
10/12/89 SRPS (Edinburgh Suburbans) Yes
09/12/89 HRT Warcop Fell Express -
09/12/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express -
09/12/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express -
02/12/89 BLS Orwell Docker III -
02/12/89 FSS William Shakespeare Yes
26/11/89 IME North Midland Railtour Yes
25/11/89 ??? (Leeds - Carlisle - Leeds special) -
25/11/89 IRS ??? -
25/11/89 ??? ??? -
19/11/89 BLS Worth Valley Wanderer -
18/11/89 HRT (125 :31) Hills of the North (125 Special) -
18/11/89 ??? (Leeds - Carlisle - Leeds special) -
18/11/89 PT West Wales Wanderer Yes
18/11/89 ??? ??? -
11/11/89 HRT (125 :30) The Wear & Tees (125 Special) Yes
11/11/89 CR Lord Mayor's Show Express -
11/11/89 RR (Leeds - Carlisle - Leeds special) -
11/11/89 VR Christmas Special -
11/11/89 ??? ??? -
11/11/89 SJDT (7/42) (Bath) -
05/11/89 VLV (77) VLV-Wendland-Express -
04/11/89 ??? (Leeds - Carlisle - Leeds special) -
04/11/89 ??? (Rugby Special) -
04/11/89 PT Pennine Voyager Yes
04/11/89 NENTA ??? -
28/10/89 HRT (125 :29) Edinburgh & Bridges (125 Special) -
28/10/89 ??? ??? -
27/10-29/10/89 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) Yes
25/10/89 BBC NW ??? -
22/10/89 IME South Midland Railtour Yes
22/10/89 ??? ??? -
21/10/89 SVRPS Yorkshire Terrier Yes
21/10/89 HRT (125 :28) ??? (125 Special) -
21/10/89 LRPG (no tour name) -
15/10/89 IME South Yorkshire Railtour Yes
15/10/89 ??? ??? -
14/10/89 HRT (125 :27) ??? (125 Special) -
14/10/89 ??? ??? -
14/10/89 MRS Robeston Rumbler Yes
08/10/89 IME North Yorkshire Railtour Yes
07/10/89 CR Settle & Carlisle Enterprise -
07/10/89 WH ??? -
07/10/89 HRT (125 :26) The Wolds & Moors (125 Special) Yes
07/10/89 ITG Irish MV Yes
07/10/89 VLV (76) VLV-Seeland-Express II -
07/10/89 SRPS ??? -
07/10/89 FSS Ynys Mon Express Yes
30/09/89 HRT Fenland Phoenix Yes
30/09/89 NSE (Cambridge Rail Day) -
30/09/89 ??? Cumbrian Mountain Express -
23/09/89 BR (Mystery Excursion) -
23/09/89 ??? ??? Did it run?
17/09/89 PT Gloucester Open Day Shuttles Yes
16/09/89 PT Fenland Rambler -
16/09/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express -
10/09/89 ITG Bangor Belle -
10/09/89 ??? Jack Street Memorial -
10/09/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
09/09/89 PT North Briton Yes
09/09/89 SRPS ??? -
03/09/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
02/09/89 LCGB West Highlander No.7 -
29/08/89 HRT Blyth Spirit Yes
29/08/89 BR (IC) North Wales Coast Express Yes
28/08/89 ??? ??? -
27/08/89 CCH ??? -
27/08/89 BLS ??? -
27/08/89 GER (3) ??? -
27/08/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
26/08/89 ??? Capitals United -
26/08/89 ??? ??? -
26/08/89 SRPS ??? -
20/08/89 HRT Trawsfynydd Flyer Yes
20/08/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
20/08/89 ??? ??? -
19/08/89 SRPS ??? -
19/08/89 ??? ??? -
13/08/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
13/08/89 ICCTU North Wales Coast Express -
13/08/89 ??? ??? -
12/08/89 CR High Peak Dragon -
06/08/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
06/08/89 ??? ??? (or is this The Lochaber Enbvoy?) -
06/08/89 ??? Lochaber Envoy -
05/08/89 SRPS ??? -
05/08/89 FSS Pennine Express Yes
05/08/89 ??? ??? -
03/08/89 BR (Mystery Excursion) -
30/07/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
29/07-07/08/89 VLV (75) Sonderzugfahrt durch die Niederlande -
29/07/89 EM2/NS North Country Continental Yes
29/07/89 LCGB LCGB Anniversary Belle 1949 - 1989 Yes
23/07/89 BR/GCC Trawsfynydd Branch Line Tour Yes
23/07/89 ??? ??? -
22/07/89 EM2/NS Hook Continental -
22/07/89 ??? ??? -
15/07/89 SRPS ??? -
15/07/89 ??? ??? -
09/07/89 GWS (Didcot Disabled Access Day) -
09/07/89 ?FSS? Pennine Express -
?08/07?-09/07/89 LT (Chesham Branch Centenary Shuttles) -
08/07/89 FSS Mancunian Yes
08/07/89 ??? Cumbrian Coast Express Yes
04/07/89 ICCTU North Wales Coast Express -
03/07/89 SRPS? ??? -
01/07-?02/07/89? LT (Chesham Branch Centenary Shuttles) -
01/07/89 PT Yorkshire Ranger Yes
01/07/89 DPS (no tour name) -
01/07/89 ??? ??? -
01/07/89 SJDT (6/42) (Edinburgh & Perth) -
30/06/89 ??? (Main Line Test Run) -
30/06/89 VSOE (Henley Regatta) Yes
25/06/89 BR (Merehead Depot Open Day) -
25/06/89 GER (2) ??? -
24/06/89 HRT Cheshire Cat Yes
17/06/89 ??? ??? -
11/06/89 HRT Coalville Cobbler -
11/06/89 BR (Coalville Depot Open Day Specials) Yes
11/06/89 ??? (Beerex) -
10/06-11/06/89 VLV (74) Wochenendreise nach Utrecht -
10/06/89 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) -
10/06/89 ??? ??? -
10/06/89 ??? Welsh Marches Express -
10/06/89 SRPS ??? -
04/06/89 ??? (Midland Counties Railway 150 steam shuttle service) Yes
03/06/89 FSS Lincolnshire Poacher Yes
03/06/89 BR (Mystery Excursion) Yes
03/06/89 HRT Wigtownshire Wanderer -
03/06/89 SRPS ??? -
01/06/89 ??? Midland Borderer -
28/05/89 VLV (73) Fahrt zum Bahnhofsfest in Schneverdingen -
27/05/89 DR Derby Evening Telegraph Express Yes
21/05/89 BR (no tour name) -
21/05/89 HRT Inter-City Diesel Day -
20/05/89 NSE (Ilford Depot Open Day Shuttles) -
20/05/89 ??? ??? -
13/05-15/05/89 RPSI Mount Brandon Railtour Yes
13/05/89 BLS Orwell Docker Yes
13/05/89 NENTA ??? -
13/05/89 ??? ??? -
13/05/89 SRPS ??? -
13/05/89 HRT (125 :25) Pembroke Coast Express (125 Special) Yes
13/05/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express (Southbound) Yes
08/05/89 ??? (50th Anniversary of LA Union station) -
07/05/89 ??? ??? -
06/05/89 HRT (125 :24) Pembroke Coast Express (125 Special) Yes
06/05/89 HRT Thames Eden Pullman -
06/05/89 BR Jolly Collier Yes
06/05/89 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) -
06/05/89 GG Glamorgan Growler Yes
06/05/89 SEG Tortuous Tortoise Yes
06/05/89 NENTA Weymouth Explorer Yes
06/05/89 BLS (ICI Wilton Railtour) -
06/05/89 ??? ??? -
06/05/89 BBRUA (9) ??? -
06/05/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express (Northbound) -
05/05/89 ??? (50th Anniversary of LA Union station) -
03/05/89 ??? Thames-Clyde Express? -
01/05/89 C20LS Power To The Tower Yes
01/05/89 ??? Yorkshireman -
01/05/89 GER (1) ??? -
01/05/89 ??? ??? -
??/??-01/05/89 ??? Orcadian -
29/04/89 FSS Wye-Dee Express Yes
29/04/89 HRT (125 :23) Edinburgh & Bridges (125 Special) -
29/04/89 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) -
29/04/89 SRPS Yorvik Flyer -
29/04/89 SJDT (5/42) (Edinburgh & Perth) -
23/04/89 IMinE Notts & North Derby Yes
23/04/89 FSS Western Venturer Yes
22/04/89 BR Denby Dawdler Yes
22/04/89 ??? Thames Eden Limited -
22/04/89 PT Pennine Pullman -
22/04/89 FSS Lincolnshire Poacher Yes
22/04/89 HRT (125 :22) North York Moors & Whitby Yes
22/04/89 R&DMRC Risborough Venturer -
15/04/89 PT Border Fellsman Yes
15/04/89 BLS Orwell Docker Yes
15/04/89 FSS Welsh Marches Express Yes
15/04/89 BR ??? -
08/04/89 BR (Mystery Excursion) -
08/04/89 VLV (72) Bremen-Kleinenbremen-Express -
08/04/89 HRT (125 :21) Blackpool and Settle & Carlisle (125 Special) Yes
08/04/89 NENTA Beamish Experience -
08/04/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express -
08/04/89 JPRC Lancastrian -
02/04/89 IME North East Railtour Yes
01/04/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express -
01/04/89 HRT (125 :20) ??? (125 Special) -
01/04/89 ??? (Rugby Special) Did it run?
01/04/89 ??? (Football Special) Did it run?
28/03/89 HRT Eden Vale Creamer - The Warcop Finale Yes
27/03/89 FSS Peaks Express -
25/03/89 HRT (125 :19) North York Moors & Whitby (125 Special) -
25/03/89 ??? (Study Train Special) -
24/03/89 FSS Lancastrian Yes
18/03/89 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) -
18/03/89 RDS Trent Train Tour -
18/03/89 SEG Thames Trailer Did it run?
11/03/89 HRT (125 :18) Baker's Dozen (125 Special) -
04/03/89 ITG Connaught Campaigner Yes
25/02/89 HRT Welsh Mountain Cobbler Yes
25/02/89 PT Warcop Warrior Yes
25/02/89 Traintours Settle & Carlisle Pioneer -
18/02/89 HRT (125 :17) Edinburgh & Bridges (125 Special) Yes
11/02/89 HRT (125 :16) ??? (125 Special) -
11/02/89 PT Maid of Kent Yes
04/02/89 HRT (125 :15) Edinburgh & Bridges (125 Special) Yes
28/01/89 HRT (125 :14) ??? (125 Special) -
28/01/89 PT Pennine Executive Yes
21/01/89 HRT (125 :13) Ilkley & Worth Valley (125 Special) Yes
21/01/89 IC Thames-Eden Limited -
14/01/89 HRT (125 :12) ??? (125 Special) -
14/01/89 SJDT (4/42) (Gateshead Metro & Newcastle) -
14/01/89 SEG Thanet Thumper Did it run?
14/01/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express (Southbound) Yes
07/01/89 FSS Cumbrian Mountain Express (Northbound) Yes
07/01/89 ??? ??? Yes

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