The Railtour Files - 1986

Date Railtour Operator Tour name Review Timings
27/12/86 F&W Festive Fiddler - -
26/12/86 SLOA ??? - -
21/12/86 SRPS Santa Special  - -
20/12/86 SRPS Santa Special  - -
20/12/86 SLOA Santa Specials - -
20/12/86 HRT Centenary Pullman  - Yes
20/12/86 BR Dickens Festival Express  - -
14/12/86 ?BR? Santa Specials  - -
14/12/86 SRPS Santa Special  - -
13/12/86 SRPS Santa Special  - -
13/12/86 SEG Conwy Crompton Pullman - Yes
06/12/86 SRPS Santa Special  - -
06/12/86 VLV (53) VLV-Advents-Express (nach Harsefeld) - -
06/12/86 HRT Pullman Christmas Party - Yes
01/12/86 ??? ??? - -
29/11/86 BLS Intrinsic Treacle Eater  - -
29/11/86 HRT(2) ???  - -
29/11/86 B&DRTA ???  - -
29/11/86 F&W Southern Vectis Venturer DID IT RUN? A / - / -
23/11/86 LEP Centenary Special  - -
17/11/86 BBRUA ???  - -
15/11-16/11/86 VLV (52) 30 Jayre V 200 - -
15/11/86 HRT/SEG Network Exile  - Yes
15/11/86 BR Red Brick Rambler  - Yes
15/11/86 BR (Advertised Excursion)  - -
15/11/86 SLOA Golden Jubilee  - -
08/11/86 HRT Eden Serpent - -
08/11/86 BC Peter Allen Pullman - -
02/11/86 BR Shakespeare Limited (2 trains) - Yes
01/11/86 LCGB/SEG Brandy Butterley  - Yes
01/11/86 F + W Gargoylian Gasconader - Yes
01/11/86 BR (Merrymaker Excursion) - -
31/10-02/11/86 TayRail TayRail Continental 3 - -
26/10/86 AJECTA J'aime à Revoir ma Normandie Yes -
26/10/86 BR Shakespeare Limited (2 trains) - Yes
25/10/86 MRS Cynheidre Curler - Yes
25/10/86 NSE Laverstock Looper - -
25/10/86 NSE Blackmore Vale Express Did it run?
19/10/86 NSE Laverstock Looper - -
19/10/86 NSE Blackmore Vale Express - -
19/10/86 ??? Golden Arrow - -
18/10-19/10/86 NENTA ??? - -
18/10/86 NSE Laverstock Looper - -
18/10/86 NSE Blackmore Vale Express - Yes
18/10/86 HRT Worcester Sorcerer - Yes
18/10/86 SLS (W.A. 'Cam' Camwell 80th Birthday Surprise) - Yes
18/10/86 VLV (51) Elbsmarsch-Altmark-Express - -
12/10/86 NSE Blackmore Vale Express - -
12/10/86 BR Shakespeare Limited (2 trains) - Yes
11/10/86 NSE Blackmore Vale Express - -
11/10/86 BR (Football Special) - Yes
11/10/86 F & W Red Dragon - Yes
11/10/86 TayRail (Montrose to Blackpool) - -
11/10/86 SBLUG ??? - -
10/10-11/10/86 VSOE ??? - -
06/10/86 TayRail (Montrose to Liverpool) - -
04/10/86 WH ??? - -
04/10/86 HRT South Yorkshire Pullman - -
28/09/86 HRT Mersey Ratcatcher Yes Yes
23/09/86 BR (Football Special) - -
21/09/86 RCTS Dartmoor Skipper - Yes
20/09/86 HRT Lincolnshire Coast Pullman - Yes
20/09/86 ??? Scotrail Explorer - -
20/09/86 SRPS ??? - Yes
15/09/86 Corbyrail ??? - -
14/09/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer - Yes
13/09/86 A4LS Tyseley Connection - Yes
12/09-14/09/86 F + W/HRT Eireann Explorer  - Yes
07/09/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
06/09/86 SRPS Keighley Flyer  - -
06/09/86 SEG Double Docker  - Yes
31/08/86 F + W/PT Chopper Topper (re-run) - -
31/08/86 ??? ?Shakespeare Limited? - -
31/08/86 ??? ??? - -
31/08/86 BR (Radio Signalling Test Train) - Yes
31/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
30/08/86 RCTS Mancunian Railtour  - Yes
30/08/86 Traintours Sherwood Forester - -
30/08/86 SRPS West Highlander - -
27/08/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
25/08/86 BR Scarborough Spa Express  - Yes
25/08/86 BRTA ??? - -
25/08/86 SLOA Lancashire Coast Express - -
25/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
24/08/86 BLS Sunday Sojourns  - Yes
24/08/86 F & W Snowdonian II - -
24/08/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
24/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
23/08-24/08/86 BR (London & Greenwich Railway 150 Exhibition)  - -
23/08/86 BLS Clyde Forth  - Yes
23/08/86 GTK ??? - Yes
23/08/86 SRPS ??? - -
23/08/86 HBS Halifax Banker - -
18/08/86 BR (Merrymaker Excursion)  - -
17/08/86 SWMC ???  - -
17/08/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
17/08/86 NELPG/LBC Saltburn Express - Yes
17/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
17/08/86 BR Scarborough Spa Express Did it run?
16/08/86 SLOA West Yorkshire Limited - -
16/08/86 SRPS ??? - -
10/08/86 BR Scarborough Spa Express - Yes
10/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer - Yes
09/08-10/08/86 HRT Fair Maid of Perth - Yes
09/08/86 SRPS ??? - -
07/08-13/08/86 VLV (50) VLV-Austria-Express - -
06/08/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
03/08/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
03/08/86 BR Scarborough Spa Express Did it run?
02/08/86 SRPS ??? - -
02/08/86 ??? ??? - -
29/07/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Skegness) - -
27/07/86 F & W Coastway Crusader - Yes
27/07/86 ??? (Scarborough Spa) - -
27/07/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
26/07/86 SLOA North Eastern - Yes
23/07-25/07/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Tenby) - -
21/07/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Kyle of Lochalsh) - -
21/07/86 ??? Citadel - -
20/07/86 PR Rambler/ Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
20/07/86 BR Scarborough Spa Express Did it run?
20/07/86 BR (Special Steam Train) Did it run?
15/07/86 BR South Devon Steam Tour - -
13/07/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
12/07/86 HRT/SEG Fen Tiger - Yes
09/07/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Blackpool) - -
09/07/86 BR(ER)/BoS Scarborough Spa Express - Yes
06/07/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
06/07/86 PR Rambler / Hazel Grove Explorer Did it run?
05/07/86 DPS Deltic Silver Jubilee  - Yes
05/07/86 SRPS ??? - -
02/07/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
02/07/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Skegness) - -
02/07/86 ??? Pennine Limited - -
01/07/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
29/06/86 F + W Plant Pursuer - Yes
29/06/86 HRT Thame Phoenix - Yes
29/06/86 CRSL/WSAG Edinburgh Flyer - -
28/06/86 HRT Thame Phoenix - Yes
28/06/86 SRPS Lochalsh Enterprise - Yes
22/06/86 GTK ?Minster Spa Express? - -
22/06/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
21/06/86 HRT Vectis Velocipede - Yes
18/06/86 RCTS Steel Link Railtour - -
15/06/86 BR/Army (Troop Special) - -
14/06/86 EM2LS EM2 Farewell - Yes
14/06/86 SRPS ??? - -
13/06/86 LRS Official Opening of the Llangollen Railway - -
08/06/86 F & W / PT Chopper Topper - Yes
08/06/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
08/06/86 BRM Shakespeare Express - Yes
07/06/86 BRM Shakespeare Express - Yes
07/06/86 BR (Chart Leacon Open Day Shuttles) - -
07/06/86 Traintours Welsh Thunderer - -
07/06/86 SRPS ??? - -
05/06/86 SRPS ? Jazz Train(s) ? - -
03/06/86 ??? ??? - -
01/06/86 ??? (Coalville Shuttles) - -
01/06/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
31/05/86 SLOA Red Dragon - Yes
31/05/86 SRPS ??? - -
28/05/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
26/05/86 VR Wirksworth Phoenix  - Yes
26/05/86 HRT Peak Explorer - -
26/05/86 CLPG Cotswold-Portsea Special - -
25/05/86 VR Wirksworth Phoenix  - Yes
24/05/86 (or 25th?) WD&FRAC ??? - -
24/05/86 VR Wirksworth Phoenix  - Yes
24/05/86 SRPS ??? - -
24/05/86 ??? ??? - -
24/05/86 ??? Welsh Marches Express - -
18/05/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - Yes
17/05/86 HRT Capital Jointliner  - Yes
17/05/86 VLV (49) Ostholstein-Express II - -
17/05/86 ??? Mile Post ?0 - -
11/05/86 LCGB/SEG Hastings DEMU Farewell  - Yes
11/05/86 Traintours Settle & Carlisle Pioneer - -
11/05/86 ??? ??? - -
11/05/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - -
11/05/86 CURC ??? - -
10/05/86 TT Humber Sceptre  - Yes
10/05/86 LCGB/SEG William the Conquerer  - Yes
10/05/86 ??? Bitton Lakes Express  - -
10/05/86 PR Thames Eden Express  - -
09/05-11/05/86 F + W Skirl o'the Pipes 7 - Yes
06/05/86 ??? ??? - -
05/05/86 F + W Valley Explorer Yes Yes
05/05/86 BR (Day Excursion) - Yes
05/05/86 BR (Day Excursion) - -
05/05/86 CURC ??? - -
05/05/86 ??? Shakespeare Limited - -
04/05/86 BLS Cornishman - Yes
03/05/86 BLS Mayflower - Yes
03/05/86 C20LS Yorkshire Gyrator  - Yes
03/05/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Spalding) - -
03/05/86 SBLUG ??? - -
03/05/86 BBRUA (5) ??? - -
02/05-04/05/86 ??? (Rugby Specials) - -
01/05/86 ??? (Private Charter) - -
27/04/86 ??? Shakespeare Limited - -
26/04/86 HRT Pennine Summits Pullman - Yes
26/04/86 CJW Chevy Chase - Yes
26/04/86 PRC Farewell to the 118s - -
26/04/86 SLOA West Riding Limited - Yes
19/04/86 F + W Mersey Meanderer  - -
19/04/86 FRS White Rose  - -
19/04/86 Linkwise ???  - -
13/04/86 HRT & F + W Barmouth Bridge Express  - -
12/04/86 CRSL/WSAG ??? - -
12/04/86 HRT/SEG Long Thin Drag - Yes
12/04/86 ??? Shakespeare Limited - -
11/04-13/04/86 TayRail TayRail Continental 2 - -
09/04/86 N&C150AC Ravenglass Ranger - Yes
07/04/86 EMI Music Express - Yes
06/04/86 LRT 1938 Stock Railtour - -
05/04/86 HRT Mersey Punter - -
05/04/86 VSOE ??? - -
05/04/86 MRS Risca Cuckoo  - Yes
31/03/86 BR (Mystery Excursion) - -
30/03/86 LRT 1938 Stock Railtour - -
30/03/86 GWRPG Brentford Branch Special - -
29/03/86 BR (Football Specials) - 2 trains - -
29/03/86 SLOA Welsh Marches Express - -
28/03/-30-0386 HRT Highland Fling 2 - Yes
23/03/86 Scotrail (Bathgate Steam Specials) - -
23/03/86 BR Sunday Steam Specials - Yes
22/03/86 Linkwise or NENTA? ??? - -
22/03/86 F + W Essex Clipper - -
22/03/86 BLS Don & Tees - Yes
22/03/86 BR Tiddly Dyke Tour(s) - Yes
22/03/86 BR Wiltshire Wanderer - Yes
22/03/86 BR Nith Valley Express - -
22/03/86 ??? South Yorkshireman - -
22/03/86 SLOA Welsh Marches Express POSTPONED TO 29/03/1986
20/03/86 VSOE (BP) Bournemouth Belle - -
16/03/86 ?BR? William Shakespeare  - -
15/03/86 LCGB/SEG Vulcan Vantrain  - Yes
15/03/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Hull) - -
15/03/86 RT&P (EM2 Farewell tour) - -
15/03/86 VLV (48) VLV-Nordwest-Express - -
08/03/86 BLS Bedlam Belle - Yes
08/03/86 WYMCC West Yorkshire Dalesman - -
01/03/86 HRT Capital Jointliner  - Yes
01/03/86 F + W Western Jointliner - Yes
22/02/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Chester) - -
22/02/86 EEC Paris Picasso - -
16/02/86 BR Shakespeare Limited - -
15/02/86 BR (Football Specials) - 2 trains - -
08/02/86 HRT Derbyshire Dingle - -
08/02/86 ??? (Football Special) - -
08/02/86 ??? ??? - -
01/02/86 F + W Bard 'n' Brush  - -
25/01/86 SEG Capital Carousel  - Yes
18/01/86 TayRail (Arbroath to Bradford) - -
18/01/86 HRT Wirral Withershins - Yes
12/01/86 ??? Shakespeare Limited - -
11/01/86 BLS Rowntree's Railtour - -

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